June 6th, 2023

I guess it feels odd to call a public blog a "diary", but whatever.

I'm not exactly sure where to start with this, I guess because there's been a lot that's happened recently, and it feels as though whoever would wind up seeing this might get overwhelmed. But I guess to start- hi. My name is Lucille, and as of right now I'm a recent CS grad. I'm still looking for a job, and I should probably be putting more effort and focus into that, but I think it's worthwhile to try and do something like this. I'm too young to have seen the early internet, unfortunately, but I can at least be here.

As to why I gravitated to here, I guess there are a few reasons. For one I've always wanted a little site like this for a few reasons- one being that I want to write, and have somewhere where I can upload that writing. I guess another is related to what's currently happening on reddit with 3rd party apps and the API. I've decided to just quit outright, and I guess that's giving me more time to focus on stuff like this. And like, I guess it gives me an excuse to develop some web dev skills. Though I'm not sure if I can put this on a resume, as I'm still in the closet.

To be honest, thinking about what I plan to do "now", it feels kinda odd, like there's some disconnect between me and what's happening. Like I'm a rock in a stream, I guess- things happen around me that shape me little by little, but I just sit there and let life happen. Though at the same time, thinking about it like that is probably way too deep, as the main thing I plan to do today is to try weed for the first time >_>

I'm not sure I have anything more to say at the moment. I might update this entry later after I take the weed. I should probably be throwing my resume around a little more, and maybe develop some of the skills on there- I have C# on there but I still have a lot of it to review. The good thing with programming languages at least is that a lot of them are fairly similar- learning a new language is more about syntax and learning what's different.

Regards, Luci